Lake Entry & Camping - Wristbands

1. Description

Wristbands are used to show people who have paid for Lake Entry and Camping.

To volunteer for this job use the Volunteer Register.


2. Responsibility

It is the Responsibility of the officials at the Lake Entry Vehicle Check Point to issue Lake Entry and Camping wrist bands. Note these will be different colours and will have what they are printed on them.

You can deny access to anyone not wearing a Lake Entry wristband.


3. Duties


3.1 Volunteer Instructions

On the day of your duty, you report direct to the Vehicle Checkpoint at the edge of the lake.

Make sure you sign the volunteers book next to your name.

The lake opens at 7.00am, and closes at 7.00pm. Change over time from morning to afternoon shifts is 1.00pm. You must be ready to start your shift at these times.

Make sure you have a hat, sunglasses, sun cream, snacks. Water is provided from the esky at the vehicle check point and there is a portable toilet at the canteen.

Please read this information about avoiding Dehydration and recognising Heat Exhaustion or Heat Stroke.


4. Tasks

4.1 Set Up

Collect the shelters from the white storage containers at the DLRA camp and transport them to the pits and then set the frames up.


4.2 During the event - Sell or distribute wrist bands

As each vehicle presents at the vehicle check point the official checks for Lake Entry and Camping wrist bands.

The occupants may have purchased their Lake Entry or Camping on-line as part of their entry process.

In this case there are 2 options
1. They will have a printed voucher and you can exchange the voucher for a wristband.

2. Ask for their Surname and check the Lake Entry or Camp spreadsheet.


Otherwise they will have to pay the appropriate fee for a wristband. Cash only there are no EFTPOS facilities.


If the occupants do not have wrist bands and cannot supply a reasonable excuse they should be refused entry.

When when have paid they are also given a program a short orientation.


4.3 Pack Up

At the conclusion of Speed Week all equipment is to be collected, packed away and returned to the storage containers at the DLRA camp


5. Knowledge and Skills


6. Equipment

Shelters, cones, signs


7. Escalation

For clarification of details during speed week, refer to Event Coordinator.