Media Orientation


You must complete, sign and return the DLRA Media Accreditation Form.

Here is a copy of the DLRA Media Accreditation Policy.

You should have already applied to the Department of Environment and Water for a filming and photography permit.


You will be given a media pack in an envelope, you are to display this envelope in your windscreen at all times to identify you and your vehicle.

In your media pack will be;



There are a number of Prohibited areas, these areas exist for your safety and to protect Environmental and Heritage areas of significance.

  • You are permitted on the marked and sign posted public access roads to the Pits and the Start Lines
  • You must park your vehicles on a drop sheet, in the designated Spectator Parking areas at the Pits and the Start Lines.
  • Do not park in the Pits. If your vehicle is blocking an entrant or the event, it will be towed.
  • The area directly to the west of the Pits is a Prohibited Area, this is a safety buffer for Track 1.
  • The return road to the north of the Pits is a Prohibited Area for entrants and their crew only.
  • You are permitted with in the Start Line queues, but not in the Staging Areas, and definitely not the actual Start Line.
  • At the Start Line you are under the direction of the Starters Assistants and must obey their directions.
  • Under no circumstances are you to talk to the Starter, unless they talk to you first.
  • The Start Line spectator areas have angled boundaries for filming and photography ahead of the Start Line, you must stay within this area.
  • You are not permitted on the Tracks or their safety buffer zones at any time whilst the event is in progress.
  • You can get closer to Track 1, but only after consultation and permission of the Race Director. You must be in UHF radio communication the whole time.
  • You can proceed along the Track 1 return road, but only after consultation and permission of the Race Director. You must be in UHF radio communication the whole time.
  • If there is an incident you are not permitted anywhere near it and must stay out of prohibited areas at all times.
  • Failure to comply with any of these conditions will see you ejected from the event.
  • You are not permitted to photograph or film the two island to the north east of the Track.
  • As there are light aircraft landing on the salt, DRONES ARE NOT PERMITTED unless you have express permission from the DEW or Race Director. NOTE: this will usually be out of event hours. All CASA guidelines still apply.
  • No vehicles, including drones are to follow a vehicle along the tracks, regardless of height or distance.
  • A media-release must be signed by the subject individual or team when taking interviews or prolonged footage or stills.



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