Working Bee 2016

27/10 - 3/11/2016

The working bee was a great success with many of jobs being completed as well the delivery of an additional 200 mats that will be used to protect the surface of the salt at the access to the Lake.

The lake had no standing water on it and the surface was moist, very good for this time of the year. In preparation for the big streamliners the area to the south of the normal start line was inspected. The result was we could quite easily get another 2 miles of track if required. The salt at the edge of the lake was the thinest, as expected and this is why we have invested in the extra mats. the plan is to run a track in and a track out where it is the thinnest reducing the impact by 50%.

Some of the jobs were; to dig a shallow trench & lay fuel lie between the camp gen sets, replace toilet block pump, fix 3 of portable toilets, rearrange space in container & stack 200 new mats in it (big job), fill & manhandle 17 drums of fuel into container, recon on lake, fix 2 club utes & sort track equipment fix said container wall plus a couple other odd jobs.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people for their efforts. Andrew Begg and his wife Sue, Alan Lacey, Greg Telford and his wife Pam, Rod Drabsch, Greg Butler, Garry Brennan, Trevor Beck, Peter Noy and his son, Dean Adamson and Greg Hayes.


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