Salt Attack 2024

Lake Gairdner South Australia

Friday PM, 15th March to Saturday 15th March 2024


There will now be an additional one and a half days racing for 2024.
From Friday afternoon 15/03/2024 until Saturday afternoon 16/03/2024.
The normal Speed Week will finish as usual at lunch time on the Friday and then the Salt Attack starts after lunch.

This is in response to many requests received over the last couple of years. It took a bit longer than we would have liked to get all the organisation in place, as we had to confirm that our key services and volunteers would be available, and we had to renegotiate our permits. This meant we could not consider making Speed Week a 6-day event. So, for 2024, at least, it will be a 1 ½ day event. This will be something we can all discuss at the AGM as to what happens in future years.

To compete in the Salt Attack, you will need to register (see form included) and pay an entrant fee. The fee is based on the costs of running the event for the extra time divided by the number of entrants. There will be no refunds and no roll overs.

Any records set during the SALT ATTACK will be considered to be DLRA Australian Records.

One of the conditions for entrants to the Salt Attack is that they must all help pack up and I can’t emphasise how important this is. There will still be lots of stuff not required for the Salt Attack to be packed up on the Thursday and Friday, so our normal volunteers will still be required.

The event is open to all Speed Week entrants, and it will be limited to a total 30 entries. Cut-off for Pre-Entries for the Salt Attack will be 26th February and then the entrants will be advised of their entry fee. Speed Week entrants will still be able to enter the Salt Attack at Speed Week if it’s not fully subscribed.

These guys and girls are committed to the event and we look forward to them putting down some very fast times.

Lastly thank you to all our Medical team, Fire and Rescue crew, officials and volunteers for supporting this event, without them this would not happen.



01/01/2024 Salt Attack event announced




Num Member # Name Vehicle # Vehicle
Vehicle Class PB Record
295 Norm Bradshaw 295 CAR OR TRUCK 1998 AU Ford Falcon Taxi B/BGCC - 142.970
331 Adrian Reid 331 CAR OR TRUCK 2005 BA Ford Falcon Ute C/BFALTU - Open
780 Michael Brixton 780 CAR OR TRUCK Target 550 AA/BFS - 345.125

Michael Brixton

Korey Bligh
Adrian Reid

CAR OR TRUCK 2004 FPV BA Ford Ute C/BFCU 210.526 210.526
816 Josh Schuit 816 MOTORCYCLE 1981 BMW R100 1000 M-PG 140.713 145.255
933 Paul Marcos 933 MOTORCYCLE Marcos - Bonespeed 1000 APS-PG 135.592 135.592
933 Paul Marcos 9933 MOTORCYCLE Kawasaki 650 M-G 150.091 150.091
1218 J.P. Afflick 1218 MOTORCYCLE 2020 Afflick 50 APS-F 96.875 96.875
1291 Martin Powditch 1291 MOTORCYCLE 2008 Kawasaki 250 APS-F - Open
1314 Aaron Bradshaw 1314 CAR OR TRUCK 1998 AU Ford Falcon Taxi B/BFCC 238.505 238.505
Bruce (Gus) Cooper
John Harvey
Darren Banks
CAR OR TRUCK 1936 Hudson Terra lane B/CBFALT 199.768 207.901
1569 Eva Hakansson 1569 MOTORCYCLE 2020 Green Envy OMEGA-SCS 236.546 224.549
1664 Serge Bonetti 1664 CAR OR TRUCK 2014 Lakester D/FL 162.800 202.726
1830 Leigh Pearson 1830 CAR OR TRUCK 2003 Holden Monaro B/PRO 189.964 177.909 
1851 Peter Brownlie 1851 MOTORCYCLE 2022 Kawasaki H2SXSE 1000 MPS-BF - 208.430



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