Geoff Rea #5

Rae, Weir, Mumford Racing

Moe, Victoria


Another hot rodder who became interested in the salt, Geoff was there from day one. Driving his trusty '32 Ford Coupe over, running it on the salt and then driving it home. Geoff teamed up with Wayne Mumford and Chris Weir the following year, but the little yellow coupe still made the trip and has done so each year since. You have to undersand what made these trips so exceptional is not the 1,200 plus kilometres of sealed roads each way, but the 300 odd k's of some of the roughest outback roads that anyone is likely to encounter.

In 2000 they entered a unique partnership with Chuck Sharpe who built and imported the motor for the team car. Chuck then came out for the 2001 Speed Trials, the extended team experiencing some success.

Geoff has now got himself a very well deserved reputation as a pinstriper of some note and spends most of his time at events he attends laying lines on friends cars. He's also done some pretty neat stuff on slightly more portable items like Bundy bottles and spare panels.


Year Vehicle Class MPH Record
1990 32 Ford Coupe D/GC 88.66 Open
1993 27 Ford Roadster XF/GMR 99.29 129.32
1994 27 Ford Roadster XF/GMR 116.03 129.32
1999 27 Ford Roadster XF/GMR 138.792 129.32
2000 27 Ford Roadster XF/GMR 135.435 143.027
2001 27 Ford Roadster XF/GMR   64.379

MPH shown in RED is highest speed recorded for that class up and including that year.
Records shown are the highest speed attained for that class from all previous years
or have never had a vehicle register a speed for that class and are considered Open.




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