Species at risk and the Threatening Process

Table: Species at risk in each subregion: their threatening processes.
Species name Threatening processes Threatening processes notes
Acanthiza iredalei iredalei (Slender-billed Thornbill (western)) Broad scale vegetation clearing No data 
Acanthiza iredalei iredalei (Slender-billed Thornbill (western)) Changed fire regimes Long periods between fires creates older woody shrub and tree areas which are less favourable to good populations of the thornbill.
Acanthiza iredalei iredalei (Slender-billed Thornbill (western)) Feral animals Predation by fox and cat.
Acanthiza iredalei iredalei (Slender-billed Thornbill (western)) Increasing fragmentation and loss of remnants As the species is sedentary isolation in remnant native vegetation islands threatens the species especially if fire destroys a localised population.
Amytornis striatus (Striated Grasswren) Changed fire regimes May destroy hummock grassland over large areas and cause local extinction
Amytornis striatus (Striated Grasswren) Feral animals Possible predation by foxes and feral cats
Amytornis striatus (Striated Grasswren) Grazing pressure Degrades habitat
Amytornis textilis myall (Thick-billed Grasswren (Gawler Ranges)) Firewood collection Intense overgrazing could affect the taxon
Brachyscome muelleri Other - describe Small size of population and reliance on favourable seasonal climatic conditions
Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) Broad scale vegetation clearing Clearance of feeding and breeding habitat.
Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) Exotic weeds As above.
Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) Grazing pressure Impeding the recruitment of trees that will be used for breeding in the future.
Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) Other - describe Nest robbing and trapping for aviculture.
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Changed hydrology - other Altered hydrology could lead to excessive and prolonged flooding
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Changed hydrology - salinity Altered hydrology could lead to excessive salinity and intolerable conditions.
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Exotic weeds Competition with and displacement by exotic weeds
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Feral animals Rabbits graze the species and facilitate the spread of weeds.
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Grazing pressure Sheep graze along the margins of salt lakes and facilitate the introduction of exotic weeds.
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Other - describe

Mining for salt and gypsum

Rubbish dumping facilitates the introduction of weeds.

Vehicle damage- uncontrolled use of vehicles and trailbikes results in damage to vegetation and erosion

Limosella granitica Exotic weeds Subject to invasion and crowding out by exotic water weeds.
Limosella granitica Pollution Occurs in small rockholes which are subject to pollution from sheep and cattle droppings and dust from agriculture
Malurus pulcherrimus (Blue-breasted Fairy-wren) Broad scale vegetation clearing Favours dense low vegetation, particularly in the vicinity of swamps
Malurus pulcherrimus (Blue-breasted Fairy-wren) Changed hydrology - salinity No data 
Malurus pulcherrimus (Blue-breasted Fairy-wren) Feral animals Possible cat predation
Malurus pulcherrimus (Blue-breasted Fairy-wren) Grazing pressure Opening up of dense vegetation
Malurus pulcherrimus (Blue-breasted Fairy-wren) Increasing fragmentation and loss of remnants No data 
Numenius madagascariensis (Eastern curlew) Other - describe Encroachment onto intertidal saltmarsh and sand flat feeding areas has resulted in a consistent decline in numbers observed during regular wader counts
Nyctophilus timoriensis (South-eastern form) (Eastern Long-eared Bat) Grazing pressure Has reduced the quality of habitat
Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus (Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby (SA and NSW)) Feral animals Predation by feral cats and foxes and competition with rabbits, sheep and goats.
Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus (Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby (SA and NSW)) Other - describe Small population numbers pose a stochastic and genetic risk.
Pterostylis xerophila (Desert Greenhood) Grazing pressure Rabbits, sheep and cattle.
Pterostylis xerophila (Desert Greenhood) Increasing fragmentation and loss of remnants Was widespread in fertile red loamy soils in dry Woodland but is now almost extinct due to conversion of this habitat to farmland.
Rulingia craurophylla Feral animals Rabbits
Rulingia craurophylla Grazing pressure No data 
Rulingia craurophylla Increasing fragmentation and loss of remnants No data 
Santalum spicatum (sandalwood) Grazing pressure Grazing by rabbits, goats and stock
Santalum spicatum (sandalwood) Other - describe

Illegal harvesting

Lack of regeneration

Stictonetta naevosa (Freckled Duck) Broad scale vegetation clearing Historic clearance and swamp drainage for agriculture has significantly reduced southern Australian habitat
Stictonetta naevosa (Freckled Duck) Changed hydrology - salinity No data 
Stipa nullanulla (Club Spear-grass) Changed fire regimes No data 
Stipa nullanulla (Club Spear-grass) Changed hydrology - salinity Rising saline groundwater
Stipa nullanulla (Club Spear-grass) Grazing pressure The species is highly palatable to stock and rabbits and it only survives where protected from grazing
Stipa nullanulla (Club Spear-grass) Other - describe Recreational pursuits such as the use of trail bikes and four wheel drives.
Swainsona pyrophila (Yellow Swainson-pea) Changed fire regimes No data 
Swainsona pyrophila (Yellow Swainson-pea) Feral animals Rabbits
Swainsona pyrophila (Yellow Swainson-pea) Grazing pressure No data 
Acanthiza iredalei iredalei (Slender-billed Thornbill (western)) Broad scale vegetation clearing No data 
Acanthiza iredalei iredalei (Slender-billed Thornbill (western)) Changed fire regimes Long periods between fires creates older woody shrub and tree areas which are less favourable to good populations of the thornbill.
Acanthiza iredalei iredalei (Slender-billed Thornbill (western)) Feral animals Predation by fox and cat.
Acanthiza iredalei iredalei (Slender-billed Thornbill (western)) Increasing fragmentation and loss of remnants As the species is sedentary isolation in remnant native vegetation islands threatens the species especially if fire destroys a localised population.
Amytornis textilis myall (Thick-billed Grasswren (Gawler Ranges)) Grazing pressure Intense overgrazing could affect the taxon
Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) Broad scale vegetation clearing Clearance of feeding and breeding habitat.
Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) Exotic weeds As above.
Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) Grazing pressure Impeding the recruitment of trees that will be used for breeding in the future.
Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) Other - describe Nest robbing and trapping for aviculture.
Cyperus lhotskyanus Feral animals Rabbits and goats
Cyperus lhotskyanus Grazing pressure No data 
Cyperus lhotskyanus Increasing fragmentation and loss of remnants No data 
Limosella granitica Exotic weeds Subject to invasion and crowding out by exotic water weeds.
Limosella granitica Pollution Occurs in small rockholes which are subject to pollution from sheep and cattle droppings and dust from agriculture
Notoryctes typhlops (Yitjarritjarri, Southern Marsupial Mole) Changed fire regimes Changed fire regimes in the spinifex dominated sandy deserts.
Notoryctes typhlops (Yitjarritjarri, Southern Marsupial Mole) Feral animals Predation by foxes and cats.
Notoryctes typhlops (Yitjarritjarri, Southern Marsupial Mole) Other - describe Overall lack of knowledge on biology of species and threats
Notoryctes typhlops (Yitjarritjarri, Southern Marsupial Mole) Pollution Predation by dingoes
Nyctophilus timoriensis (South-eastern form) (Eastern Long-eared Bat) Grazing pressure Has reduced the quality of habitat
Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus (Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby (SA and NSW)) Feral animals Predation by foxes
Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus (Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby (SA and NSW)) Increasing fragmentation and loss of remnants Competition for resources with goats and rabbits
Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus (Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby (SA and NSW)) Other - describe Small population numbers pose a stochastic and genetic risk.
Pterostylis xerophila (Desert Greenhood) Broad scale vegetation clearing Was widespread in fertile red loamy soils in dry Woodland but is now almost extinct due to conversion of this habitat to farmland.
Pterostylis xerophila (Desert Greenhood) Grazing pressure Rabbits, sheep and cattle.
Rhodanthe oppositifolia ssp. oppositifolia (twin-leaf everlansting) Feral animals Rabbits and goats
Rhodanthe oppositifolia ssp. oppositifolia (twin-leaf everlansting) Grazing pressure No data 
Rhodanthe oppositifolia ssp. oppositifolia (twin-leaf everlansting) Increasing fragmentation and loss of remnants No data 
Santalum spicatum (sandalwood) Grazing pressure Grazing by rabbits, goats and stock
Santalum spicatum (sandalwood) Other - describe Lack of regeneration
Stipa nullanulla (Club Spear-grass) Changed fire regimes No data 
Stipa nullanulla (Club Spear-grass) Changed hydrology - salinity Rising saline groundwater
Stipa nullanulla (Club Spear-grass) Grazing pressure The species is highly palatable to stock and rabbits and it only survives where protected from grazing
Stipa nullanulla (Club Spear-grass) Other - describe

Recreational pursuits such as the use of trail bikes and four wheel drives.

The species occurs near gypsum salt lakes which are often subject to mining.

Swainsona pyrophila (Yellow Swainson-pea) Changed fire regimes No data 
Swainsona pyrophila (Yellow Swainson-pea) Grazing pressure No data 
Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) Broad scale vegetation clearing Clearance of feeding and breeding habitat.
Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) Exotic weeds As above.
Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) Grazing pressure Impeding the recruitment of trees that will be used for breeding in the future.
Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) Other - describe Nest robbing and trapping for aviculture.
Codonocarpus pyramidalis Grazing pressure Goat and Rabbit grazing
Codonocarpus pyramidalis Other - describe Lack of recruitment
Cullen parvum (Small Scurf-pea) Exotic weeds Competition with introduced weeds
Cullen parvum (Small Scurf-pea) Grazing pressure Grazing by both native and introduced herbivores.
Cullen parvum (Small Scurf-pea) Increasing fragmentation and loss of remnants No data 
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Changed hydrology - other Altered hydrology could lead to excessive and prolonged flooding
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Changed hydrology - salinity Altered hydrology could lead to excessive salinity and intolerable conditions.
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Exotic weeds Competition with and displacement by exotic weeds
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Feral animals Rabbits graze the species and facilitate the spread of weeds.
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Grazing pressure Sheep graze along the margins of salt lakes and facilitate the introduction of exotic weeds.
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Other - describe

Mining for salt and gypsum

Rubbish dumping facilitates the introduction of weeds.

Vehicle damage- uncontrolled use of vehicles and trailbikes results in damage to vegetation and erosion.

Malacocera gracilis (slender soft-horns) Feral animals Rabbits and Cattle
Malacocera gracilis (slender soft-horns) Grazing pressure No data 
Malacocera gracilis (slender soft-horns) Increasing fragmentation and loss of remnants No data 
Nephrurus deleani (Pernatty Knob-tail) Feral animals Rabbit grazing threatens habitat.
Nephrurus deleani (Pernatty Knob-tail) Grazing pressure Sheep and cattle grazing threatens the restricted habitat of this species and causes soil compaction and erosion.
Olearia pannosa subsp. pannosa (Sliver Daisy-bush) Exotic weeds Competition with exotic weeds.
Olearia pannosa subsp. pannosa (Sliver Daisy-bush) Feral animals Sheep and goats
Olearia pannosa subsp. pannosa (Sliver Daisy-bush) Other - describe

Extremely low seed set and negligible seedling recruitment.

Road maintenance works for roadside populations.

Olearia pannosa subsp. pannosa (Sliver Daisy-bush) Pathogens Mould and a fungus eating beetle in the genus Corticaria damage fruits.
Pterostylis xerophila (Desert Greenhood) Broad scale vegetation clearing Was widespread in fertile red loamy soils in dry Woodland but is now almost extinct due to conversion of this habitat to farmland.
Pterostylis xerophila (Desert Greenhood) Grazing pressure Rabbits, sheep and cattle.
Senecio megaglossus Changed fire regimes Inappropriate fire regimes, given the known requirement of fire by other Senecio species
Senecio megaglossus Exotic weeds Competition with invasive weeds prevents seedling establishment
Senecio megaglossus Grazing pressure The fleshy foliage appears susceptible to grazing by domestic stock, rabbits and feral goats.
Senecio megaglossus Increasing fragmentation and loss of remnants Some populations are considered too small to be viable.
Stictonetta naevosa (Freckled Duck) Broad scale vegetation clearing Historic clearance and swamp drainage for agriculture has significantly reduced southern Australian habitat
Stictonetta naevosa (Freckled Duck) Changed hydrology - salinity No data 
Stipa nullanulla (Club Spear-grass) Changed fire regimes No data 
Stipa nullanulla (Club Spear-grass) Changed hydrology - salinity Rising saline groundwater
Stipa nullanulla (Club Spear-grass) Grazing pressure The species is highly palatable to stock and rabbits and it only survives where protected from grazing
Stipa nullanulla (Club Spear-grass) Other - describe

Recreational pursuits such as the use of trail bikes and four wheel drives.

The species occurs near gypsum salt lakes which are often subject to mining.

Swainsona pyrophila (Yellow Swainson-pea) Changed fire regimes No data 
Swainsona pyrophila (Yellow Swainson-pea) Grazing pressure No data 
Acanthiza iredalei iredalei (Slender-billed Thornbill (western)) Broad scale vegetation clearing No data 
Acanthiza iredalei iredalei (Slender-billed Thornbill (western)) Changed fire regimes Long periods between fires creates older woody shrub and tree areas which are less favourable to good populations of the thornbill.
Acanthiza iredalei iredalei (Slender-billed Thornbill (western)) Feral animals Predation by fox and cat.
Acanthiza iredalei iredalei (Slender-billed Thornbill (western)) Increasing fragmentation and loss of remnants As the species is sedentary isolation in remnant native vegetation islands threatens the species especially if fire destroys a localised population.
Atriplex kochiana (Koch's saltbush) Feral animals Rabbits and goats
Atriplex kochiana (Koch's saltbush) Grazing pressure No data 
Atriplex kochiana (Koch's saltbush) Increasing fragmentation and loss of remnants No data 
Frankenia plicata Grazing pressure Grazing by stock affects the plant both directly and by habitat degradation resulting in increased run-off
Frankenia plicata Increasing fragmentation and loss of remnants No data 
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Changed hydrology - other Altered hydrology could lead to excessive and prolonged flooding
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Changed hydrology - salinity Altered hydrology could lead to excessive salinity and intolerable conditions.
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Exotic weeds Competition with and displacement by exotic weeds
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Feral animals Rabbits graze the species and facilitate the spread of weeds.
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Grazing pressure Sheep graze along the margins of salt lakes and facilitate the introduction of exotic weeds.
Halosarcia flabelliformis (Bead Glasswort) Other - describe

Mining for salt and gypsum

Rubbish dumping facilitates the introduction of weeds.

Vehicle damage- uncontrolled use of vehicles and trailbikes results in damage to vegetation and erosion.

Nephrurus deleani (Pernatty Knob-tail) Feral animals Rabbit grazing threatens habitat.
Nephrurus deleani (Pernatty Knob-tail) Grazing pressure Sheep and cattle grazing threatens the restricted habitat of this species and causes soil compaction and erosion.
Pseudomys australis (Plain's Rat) Feral animals Predation by foxes
Pseudomys australis (Plain's Rat) Grazing pressure Habitat disruption by rabbits and cattle
Pseudomys australis (Plain's Rat) Other - describe Dingoes and Letter-winged Kites predate upon the species.
Santalum spicatum (sandalwood) Grazing pressure Grazing by rabbits, goats and stock
Santalum spicatum (sandalwood) Other - describe Lack of regeneration
Stipa nullanulla (Club Spear-grass) Changed fire regimes No data 
Stipa nullanulla (Club Spear-grass) Changed hydrology - salinity Rising saline groundwater
Stipa nullanulla (Club Spear-grass) Grazing pressure The species is highly palatable to stock and rabbits and it only survives where protected from grazing
Stipa nullanulla (Club Spear-grass) Other - describe

Recreational pursuits such as the use of trail bikes and four wheel drives.

The species occurs near gypsum salt lakes which are often subject to mining.

Acanthiza iredalei iredalei (Slender-billed Thornbill (western)) Broad scale vegetation clearing No data 
Acanthiza iredalei iredalei (Slender-billed Thornbill (western)) Changed fire regimes Long periods between fires creates older woody shrub and tree areas which are less favourable to good populations of the thornbill.
Acanthiza iredalei iredalei (Slender-billed Thornbill (western)) Feral animals Predation by fox and cat.
Acanthiza iredalei iredalei (Slender-billed Thornbill (western)) Increasing fragmentation and loss of remnants As the species is sedentary isolation in remnant native vegetation islands threatens the species especially if fire destroys a localised population.
Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) Broad scale vegetation clearing Clearance of feeding and breeding habitat.
Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) Exotic weeds As above.
Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) Grazing pressure Impeding the recruitment of trees that will be used for breeding in the future.
Cacatua leadbeateri (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo) Other - describe Nest robbing and trapping for aviculture.
Grevillea treueriana (Mt Finke Grevillea) Feral animals Rabbits and goats
Grevillea treueriana (Mt Finke Grevillea) Grazing pressure No data 
Grevillea treueriana (Mt Finke Grevillea) Increasing fragmentation and loss of remnants No data 
Nyctophilus timoriensis (South-eastern form) (Eastern Long-eared Bat) Grazing pressure Has reduced the quality of habitat
Swainsona pyrophila (Yellow Swainson-pea) Changed fire regimes No data 
Swainsona pyrophila (Yellow Swainson-pea) Grazing pressure No data 


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