Australian Natural Resources Atlas - Australian Natural Resources Atlas
Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
Last updated: Friday, 16-Nov-2007 10:32:24 EST
- Biodiversity Assessment - Gawler
- Natural Values - The natural values within each subregion
- Important Wetlands - Australia's Important Wetlands (Directory of Important Wetlands of Australia): their type, condition, trend and threatening processes within each subregion
- Riparian Zones - their average condition, trend and threatening processes for each subregion
- Threatened Ecosystems - Provisional list of threatened ecosystems in Australia: their broad vegetation type (National Vegetation Information System - Major Vegetation Subgroup), recommended status, current legislative protection as a threatened ecosystem, trend and bioregional distribution. These ecosystems are arranged in the bioregion of their principal occurrence. The reliability of the recommended status is indicated
- Threatened Ecosystems - Provisional list of threatened ecosystems in each subregion: their threatening processes
- Ecosystem Recovery Actions - Provisional list of threatened ecosystems in each subregion: their recommended recovery actions
- Species at risk - Species at risk in each subregion: their status, trend and subregional distribution. The reliability of the assessment of trend is indicated and whether recovery plans have been prepared
- Species at risk and the Threatening Process - Species at risk in each subregion: their threatening processes
- Species at risk and their Recovery Process - Species at risk in each subregion: their status recommended recovery actions
- Mammals Status - Number of species in each status class for this bioregion
- Mammals - List of mammal species and their status occurring in
- Faunal Attrition - The Faunal Attrition Index for groups of mammals shows the contributions of each group to overall patterns of faunal decline
- Exotic Mammals - Introduced exotic mammal species that occur in this bioregion
- Exctinct Mammals - Extinct mammal species recorded for this bioregion
- Comprehensiveness, Adequacy and Representativeness - Comprehensiveness, adequacy and representativeness (CAR) of the National Reserve System in terms of ecosystems and area sampled and a ranking of reserve management. The bioregional priority for consolidating the National Reserve System is based on this CAR analysis and threat
- Activities - The contribution of integrated Natural Resource Management to the protection of biodiversity in each subregion: existing measures and effectiveness
- Data Gaps - Some major data gaps in each subregion in terms of protecting biodiversity
Reference Material
- Airports
- Biology
- Climate
- Geography
- Geological
- Government
- History
- Lunar
- Mining
- Native Title
- Salt Lakes of Australia
- Salt / Dry Lakes of the World
- Glossary
Learn More
- Lake Gairdner
- How to get to Lake Gairdner
- Maps of Lake Gairdner
- Rainfall at Lake Gairdner
- Aerial photos from 2006 of a flooded Lake Gairdner
- Reference Material