Cleaner at Mt. Ive Camp Toilets

1. Description

Cleaning of the toilets at the Mt. Ive camp.

To volunteer for this job use the Volunteer Register.


2. Responsibility

To ensure that the toilets are clean and tidy and fit for use.


3. Duties


4. Tasks

4.1 Set Up

  • General clean of fixed and portable toilets.
  • Restock toilet paper in cubicles.


3.1 Volunteer Instructions

On the day of your duty, you go direct to the toilets at the Mt. Ive camp.

Make sure you sign the Volunteers Book next to your name. (hanging on the wall)

The morning session is from 7.30am to about 12.00 noon. You can choose the time you clean.

The afternoon session starts at about 1.00pm till 6.00pm or close of business on that day. You can choose the time you clean.

Make sure you have a hat, sunglasses, sun cream.
Protective equipment and cleaning equipmentis provided.

Please read this information about avoiding Dehydration and recognizing Heat Exhaustion or Heat Stroke.


4.2 During the event

Each morning and afternoon volunteers are to clean the fixed toilets and the portable toilets, this includes;

  • removing rubbish,
  • toilet cubicles cleaned
  • restocking paper in cubicles and
  • mopping floors.


4.3 Pack Up

At the conclusion of Speed Week

  • all rubbish is to be removed,
  • toilet cubicles cleaned,
  • floors mopped and a
  • any used toilet paper or cleaners to be returned to the Camp Coordinator


5. Knowledge and Skills


6. Equipment

Mops, disinfectant, sponges, brushes, gloves.
Toilet paper is stored.


7. Escalation