World Speed Trials Australia #2
Lake Gairdner South Australia
Saturday 28th March to Monday 30th March
Track Layout
Based on years of previous experience the DLRA has mapped out a course that will provide 11 miles of prepared track. The track will be defined as shown in the diagram below.
This includes the competition track(s), the pit area, spectator area, and access routes from the lake edge to the defined areas. However weather or surface conditions on the day could all change this.
All areas and access routes will be clearly defined by suitable temporary signage, bunting or other approved methods to ensure all participants and spectators are aware of the approved locations for vehicles to be driven, parked and where foot traffic is permitted. Designated non-access areas will be clearly defined and signposted.
Lake Gairdner is a National Park, administered by the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources for the State of South Australia and the traditional land of the Gawler Ranges Aboriginal People. Although the lake is some 80 miles long it is only that area south of the 32nd parallel that they have given permission for Land Speed Racing. Of this area the DLRA uses only a small portion, closest to the Mt. Ive Station, as this is the only "made road" to the lake.
All competition vehicles must form a queue in single file for the start line of their choice. Support vehicles can park adjacent to their vehicle.
Once you are in the queue you are under the direction of the starter and his assistants.
All vehicles in the pit area are limited to 10 kph and this will be strictly enforced.
All spectator vehicles to be parked on a tarp in the designated spectator parking area. Spectator vehicles found anywhere in the pits will be towed.
Learn more...
- World Speed Trials Australia
- Advice for Entrants
- Track Layout
- Information for International Competitors and Visitors
- How to get to Lake Gairdner
- Volunteers Register
Support the DLRA
- Promote your business by advertizing in the DLRA Newsletter
- Sponsors Information