Getting Started in Salt Lakes Racing


If your interested in Dry Lakes Racing, probably the best way to see if it's something for you is to come to Speed Week as a spectator. If you want to get closer to the action you can become a volunteer and get an even better understanding of Speed Week and how the event is run.
This way you will get to see where it is, how you get there and talk to some of the other competitors. You may also have a chance to talk to some of the Technical Inspectors or other officals.
There are many who have just jumped right in and turn up with a vehicle first year out, but there is a lot to take in.
We often say just to get a vehicle to the salt is an accomplishment in it's own right.


The first thing you need to decide is what type of vehicle you are going to compete with, then what class you will run, while your doing that, have a look at the records to where you will be able to see if someone already holds the record for that class and what speed they have run. You may be lucky enough to find an open record for a class that you could run.

One thing I can say here is that you will not go as fast as you think you might, even if you have an existing vehicle and you reckon you know how fast you have gone. It's a lot harder when you are being measured to the thousandths of a mile and the salt is a very different surface.


The next thing is to join the DLRA, when you join you will receive a free DLRA Rulebook.


At this stage it's a really good idea to get in touch with your State Delegate or the Category Representative for your class. They will be the ones you go to with any questions during your build.


Now start preparing your vehicle remembering that you're not just worried about performance, you need to include all of the safety features prescribed in the Rulebook and make sure it complies to the class you will be competing in.

In most State we can arrrange for a pre-inspection of your vehicle, as it's a long way to drag it to Lake Gairdner only to be told you haven't done something. The inspectors try to avoid this and will help you as much as they can, within the rules.


When you finally get to Lake Gairdner, it's probably a good idea to set your camp up first, then you will always have something to go back to at the end of a tiring day. Then take you vehicle down to the lake, set up you pit area and present for Technical Inspection.


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