Okay, so you've read the Rookies page and the Rookies Orientation page and the the Rookies Booklet. Now let's put that knowledge to the test. See how you go answering these questions (Just press on the question to see the answer).
60 kilometres per hour.
Walking pace only.
All vehicles must be parked on a tarp and out of the way.
Your vehicle and all your protective equipment. Plus entry form, technical inspection sheet and log book.
You need to have a number plate, displaying your entrant number and the class you are competing in
Plus need to have a Technical Inspection Sticker on the lefthand front of your vehicle with your member or entrant number on it.
All entrants must attend the Entrants Briefing on the Sunday afternoon.
Rookies must attend the Rookie Briefing after that.
Then all entrants should do the Track Orientation drive.
Proceed straight to where your volunteering will take place. Try and be there 15 minutes before your job starts.
The only exceptions to this are Rookies on the Monday line up at Track 2 startline and streamliners who can proceed with permission straight to start line track 1.
Whilst you are competing, the support vehicle must be on UHF Ch10.
80 kilometres an hour
There is a defined support vehicle track from the start line to the return road. (See the track layout diagram in the program)
Your competition vehicle should be waiting for you past the clearance flag.
Line up as directed by the start line assistant.
Three vehicles back from the start line you should start getting ready.
One vehicle back from the start line you must be ready to go and the safety Marshall will be checking all your safety equipment.
On track 1, if you can turn out to the right. On track 2 turn out to the left.
Fire and Rescue will come and check you are okay.
If you are on fire always turn towards the rescue vehicles.
Usually on 175mph runs or higher.
But you can practice pulling your shoot at 150mph
There are groomed exit lanes marked with an exit sign.
You must go past the green clearance flags on the exit lane to clear the track.
Drive (or be towed or trailered) down the designated return road (Look for the bali flags) and return to your pit or Impound.
Opposite Technical Inspection.
If you have gone faster than the current record, do not go to your pit before going to Impound
Get your timing slip and check against the current record shown in the Program, then go to Impound.
Timing slips are located between Registration and Race Control
Only when you are sure you have exceeded the speed of the current record.
Don't forget to pick up your timing slip first
Report the missing part imeadiately to a race official. Racing will stop and a track search will take place.
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Learn More ...
- Getting Started in Salt Lakes Racing
- Membership Information
- Membership Application Form
- Fees
- Speed Week Entry Form
- Volunteers Register
- DLRA Competition Licence
- Log Book
- DLRA Rule Book
- Classes
- Advice for Drivers, Constructors, and Race Teams
- Vehicle Inspection
- Entrants Orientation
- Entrants Briefing
- Compliance
- Rookies
- Rookie Orientation
- Starters Instructions
- Track Layout / Marking
- Forms and Documents
- Technical Inspection
- Guidelines for Vehicle Numbering
- Push car / Support Vehicle
- B-1 Scrutineers Car Inspection & Classification Form [PDF]
- B-2 Scruitneers Motorcycle Inspection & Classification Form [PDF]
- Race Car Engineering [PDF]