Latest News
15/08/2019 | 2020 Speed Week logo released | |
07/08/2019 | 2020 DLRA Rule Book Published | |
15/05/2019 | Issue 65 (April) DLRA Newsletter now available | |
13/05/2019 | Tentative dates set for World Speed Trails Australia 2020 | |
09/05/2019 | Dates set for 30th Anniversary Speed Week 2020 | |
21/03/2019 | Formatted 2019 Speed Week Results now available | |
21/02/2019 | Pre-Race Lake Inspection Report - Michael Brixton, Peter Noy, Korey Bligh and Steve Vorwerk were on the lake today and found it to be in very good condition, hard, dry and flat. This confirms that Speed Week 2019 is most definitely on. |
18/02/2019 | Please do not post or email your late entry now, bring it with you to the salt. Make sure you have completed the Hazardous Fuel Register Section. And have 2 copies of the Materials Safety Data Sheets. Same goes for Volunteer Nominations. |
14/02/2019 | Mt. Ive Homestead rooms are booked out, but plenty of powered and un-powered camp sites still available. (See page for rates) | |
14/02/2019 | Discount accommodation in Port Augusta The Discovery Parks Port Augusta (previously Big 4) are once again helping Speed Week out with a great 15% off deal on all accommodation at their park. Just mention DLRA Speed Week to qualify for the deal. |
14/02/2019 | Still a few pre-entries to put into the system, but looks like a very similar number to last year so far we have 220 and last year we had 232. Just hope that Huey has answered my prayers and we are all good. | |
14/02/2019 | IRON KNOB HOTEL IS OPEN Hi guys just wanted to let you know we are trading 7 days a week, meals from open to close daily specials $12 and accommodation $55 double. Ice available, good luck and look forward to catching up. Thanking you Michelle Rushworth Licensee. |
11/02/2019 | PRE-ENTRIES CLOSED ON Sunday 10th February 2019 Late Entries with the additional fee included, will still be accepted via the mail up until C.O.B. Friday 15th February 2019 After this date, just bring your entry form with you to Registration at Speed Week Download an Entry Form - |
06/02/2019 | And probably the second most important thing is what's to eat at the Canteen? This year Dogga and Robyn have done a fantastic job of providing a fantastic number of choices and kept the prices very reasonable, when you think where we are. I urge you all to support our caterers and check out the menu. | |
04/02/2019 | As most people are aware, PRE-ENTRIES close on the Sunday 10th February 2019. So any entries received after midnight that will be considered LATE ENTRIES. Now, the closing date for postal entries is the Friday 15th February 2019 as we will be leaving just days after this date. So if you still haven't got your entry in the mail so that it will reach us by close of business Friday, just hang on to it and give it to us at the salt. |
03/02/2019 | The DLRA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held one month from today on Sunday 3rd March 2019 on Lake Gairdner in the pits at the Technical Inspection Area at 4.00pm. Members and visitors are welcome. Bring a chair, some drinks and some shade. After the AGM will be the ENTRANTS BRIEFING it is compulsory for all entrants to attend this meeting, if you are not there for what ever reason there will be a second Entrants Briefing on the Monday, time to be announced when you pick up your Entrants Pack from Registration. After the Entrants Briefing there will be a compulsory ROOKIES MEETING followed by a drive of the tracks where all the various features will be explained to you. Registration will close at 3.30pm on the Sunday to prepare for the AGM and NOT re-open until Monday morning. First thing Monday morning all Rookies are to report direct to Track 2 start line for their Rookie Run. If you are a Rookies please do your very best to be there Monday morning as it will make the whole event run much smoother. Thanks, and I hope we all enjoy ourselves out there. |
23/01/2019 | Issue 64 (February) of the DLRA Newsletter published | |
07/01/2019 | WrightsAir will be conducting commuter , joy and charter flights and landing at the lake again in 2019. More information available on the WrightsAir page. |
24/10/2018 | 2019 DLRA Rulebook: Is now available for download from the Rulebook page.
21/10/2018 | Changes to Rulebook: You can now download a list and details of the changes to the 2019 DLRA Rulebook.
06/10/2018 | World Speed Trials: We have been asked several times if there will be an international event in 2019, the answer is no and the reason is simple, it's too much to expect DLRA officials to give up 2 weeks of their holidays or leave without pay every year, and it wears these people out. Hope you understand the work and dedication involved in putting on an event like this. We are already working towards a combined FIA & FIM meet for 2020.
06/10/2018 | New Classes: There have been a number of new classes introduced for cars and bikes. There is now a category for NASCAR styles from 1948 through to
2013, AUSCAR’s from all years and Supercars from 1991
to current. All these cars will pretty much run as they are
/ were with some modifications to roll bars and other safety equipment. They will run the same configuration
and engines as they did in the day. There is potential
to open-up more classes for circuit style competition
vehicles in the future.
05/10/2018 | Introduction of Australian Records: One of the big changes for 2019 is that we will be moving from one pass records to two-run average speed records.
23/09/2018 | Speed Week Entries: The On-line Entry portal is now up and running, entrants can apply and pay on-line, payment options for lake entry, DLRA camping and t-shirts
23/08/2019 | Volunteers Register: The Volunteers Register is now open for 2019. All entrants must nominate for at least one job during Speed Week. Members and supporters are more than welcome to nominate as well, we can't run an event without our amazing volunteers.
14/08/2018 | Entry Forms: 2019 Speed Week Entry forms are now available for download.
14/08/2018 | Track Layout Maps: New layout maps for tracks, start line and pits have now been published. Please take some time and check them out for what has changed. Weather and conditions permitting, Track 2 will now offer a full timed mile.
12/08/2018 | Fuel Storage Register: To comply with Australian and South Australian Work-safe Regulations the DLRA will be introducing some changes in 2019.
11/08/2018 | Volunteers Register: The 2019 Volunteers Register is now open. You can view all the jobs and see what work is involved. All entrants must volunteer for at least one session over Speed Week. Supporters and other interested people are more than welcome to nominate for a job, it's great way to meet people and help with the event. There are many jobs where you don't need specific skills. But if you have experience in a particular area we'd love to hear from you too.
20/07/2018 | Issue 62 (July) of the DLRA Newsletter published | |
15/05/2018 | Issue 61 of the DLRA Newsletter published | |
18/04/2018 | Speed Week 2018 Offical Results Published | |
18/03/2018 | Speed Week 2018 Provisional Results Published | |
01/03/2018 | LAKE CONDITION REPORT: Just had a phone call from Tony Cooke who with Michael Brixton, Marlo Treit and Les Davenport went to Lake Gairdner today for a final inspection. The drove the 2 tracks for Speed Week and the 12 mile World's Speed Trials track and all were found to be in excellent condition. We have a penotrometer that we use to test the salt each year, it wouldn't even go in! The ramp is also looking good. The Kingoonya-Iron Knob Road has just been recently graded and is in very good condition. The Mt. I've road was also good as was the road to the lake. The Target 550 boys were suitably impressed. They even went on a further 3 miles to the north on the WSTA track and it just got better. |
01/03/2018 | Wrights Air offers flights direct to the lake | |
15/02/2018 | Update layout maps for track, pits and startline | |
14/02/2018 | Issue 60 of the DLRA Newsletter was published | |
DLRA to host World Speed Trials Australia [PDF] | ||
Valerie Thompson coming to Australia [PDF] | ||
06/12/2017 | Issue 59 of the DLRA Newsletter was published | |
22/08/2017 | Volunteer Registration opened | |
22/08/2017 | Online Booking opened. | |
Volunteers Register is NOW OPEN | ||
22/08/2017 | Speed Week 2018 Entry Form available online | |
02/08/2017 | Issue 58 of the DLRA Newsletter was published | |
Overseas Racers to feature at DLRA Speed Week 2018 [PDF] | ||
2018 DLRA Rulebook is now available online | ||
NEW!! Timing Plaques are back!! Speed Week Entrants can now order an engraved timing plaque with their results on it. |
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